​With our SME we have wide ranging experience in many areas of fire and ambulance services, Emergency Management, Helicopter Platforms and partnerships , Special Events and Filming and all aspects of Fire Prevention and Life Safety systems. This gives us the ability to see the big picture and evaluate each brush stroke of a project. We are known for looking at programs already being provided by an agency and finding revenue streams and operational efficiencies that benefit the whole system and the people they serve. We are able to implement new ideas and concepts into existing systems by working with stakeholders, creating realistic and reachable goals and putting systems in place to regulate and monitor future requirements and demands. One of our highest values is that we limit our services to areas where we have hands on experience. This is how we have become an industry leader in service to our clients.
We have extensive experience in valuing EMS systems and providing clients with guidance on how to best improve the quality of service, as well as accessing both revenue and federal cost recovery programs. We specialize in Public Private partnerships.